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#MondayMotivation: Accepting Life On Life’s Terms

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MondayMotivation_life-on-life-termsJust when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly. – Proverb

Life On Life’s Terms

When I am physically well, emotionally stable, and spiritually fit, I handle life pretty well –even when it stinks. When I am in pain (or even sick) and emotionally off, it can be difficult for me to continue to be spiritually fit, and in return accept anything in life that I don’t like. When this happens and then life shows up, it can seem overwhelming and frightening. My level of acceptance of life on life’s terms is almost non-existent.

Being Human

So does this mean I am not working hard enough at my recovery? Not always so. It’s actually pretty human to go through ups and downs in life, and accepting things in life is part of the journey of growing in recovery. I have found recently that the longer I stay sober, the more life gets real for me. The question then becomes about how willing I am to do the work that is necessary in order for me to accept life on life’s terms. Things are going to happen and how I react to it is up to me.

Here is the cool part. When I am come to acceptance (sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly) I am happy. Even when the world around me is crashing, I am still at peace. When I am not in acceptance of life or its terms, I am miserable, scared, and discontent.

It’s hard to remind myself sometimes that acceptance and gratitude for what I do have will help set me free from feeling horrible, but that is why I need supports and prayer/meditation. When my thinking is ready to tell me to be sad, give up, and just sit in my “stuff,” I have outside sources to let me know I don’t have to stay there.

Life is going to happen with or without my permission, but I refuse to allow it rob me of my joy, peace, and happiness today. That is another amazing part of living this lifestyle in recovery. We only have to do life one day at a time and it can start with my level of acceptance today.

Just for today, I will accept life on life’s terms.

Written By: Recovery Gal

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